I've been tagged !

Alright, I've been tagged by Martial Arts Mom to do one of those 10 things People'd be surprised to know about me.

So here goes :

  1. I moved upto Yellow 2 in Shotokan Karate in just 2 months. Yep, it took me exactly two months two get all the punches , blocks , kicks along with Haien Shodan and Nidan.
  2. Someday I want to live on a hill with a goat.
  3. I LOVE Math. Especially Algebra.
  4. I plan to Kinesiology at Uni.
  5. I'm addicted to an RPG called Suikoden.
  6. I hate Chocolate flavoured stuff. The very smell of Chocolate cake or Chocolate milk makes me feel like throwing up !
  7. I write poetry. (You can read some of it here)
  8. I've had a total 11 websites. I started making them when I was 8.
  9. I hate fish.
  10. I've had 14 cats at a time.

I found this rather hard to write for some reason :P

Siping City Martial Arts Academy

I recently stumbled across the website of The Siping City Martial Arts Academy , located in the Jilin province of Northern China and found it to be exactly what I've been looking for ! The Academy specializes in Chinese Martial Arts , namely Shaolin , Sanda and Baji.

The Training

The daily schedule is quite rigorous and is rather similar to the traditional training regime

5:30 a.m. Wake up
6:45 a.m. to 7.00 a.m. - warmup by Running, then Qi gong and Tai ji training.
7:00 a.m. - Breakfast
8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon - Morning training
12:00 noon - Lunch
2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. - Afternoon classes
4:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. - Qi gong and Tai ji training
6:00 p.m. - Dinner
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. - Qi gong classes (practice by self /internet bar opens)
by 9:30 p.m. - light's out

Students at the Academy seem to be quite satisfied with the available facilities and teaching , though some have found that the Mandarin Classes are, well quite frankly a waste of time.

Message from William Stein, American, 53 years of age who trainedwith his son, Brannan, age 17 - received 07-12-07

"I wanted to send you a note to let you know how our stay at the academy went. The academy was exactly as we thought it would be based on what we learn on your website. Being there with my son was truly a great experience. Giving us the time together that is worth all the gold in the world. We worked hard all day every day which is why we went there. The students and staff were wonderful to be around. In addition we spent evenings learning the proper technique for meditating from Darrein, who I wish I could spend a much longer time studying under. No prior martial art training would have been necessary but having 13 years of Tae Kwon Do between us we can say that the instruction was the best we have ever had or seen. Lin Sifu is truly a master and a very nice person as well.

I am a busy business person from the United States in my real life. After being there for a few days I realize why I was starting to like it so much. It gave me a chance to work on my body and mind without any interference from employees, statements, customers, phone calls etc. I would highly recommend it to anyone. The only problem that I had was that I did not stay long enough. I would highly recomend the academy to busy business professionals who want to get in touch with their true self and unwind with some physical work."

If you know anyone who's been to Siping, I'd hear what you think of it. And if you'd like to find some more about the Siping City Martial Arts Academy you can visit their website and Lukey's Blog , a Shaolin student who stayed at the Academy for a month.