Karate Terminology

I'll be updating this page as I learn more during my classes

Age Uke - Upper Rising Block. Used generally to guard against an attack to the face

Chudan Tsuki - mid-level (typically aimed at the solar plexus)

Hajime - Begin

Jodan Tsuki - Face (Nose) level puch

Kamaete - A command given by the instructor for students to get into position.

Mae Geri - Front Kick

Mawatte -Turn around. Normally used to mean `face the opposite direction'

Yame - Stop

Sanbon Tsuki A series of three punches, generally the first is Jodan Tsuki, followed by a slight pause then,
Chudan Gyaku Tsuki , immediately followed by Chudan Tsuki, but it can be performed with three punches to the same target

Shuto Uke Knife-hand Block

Gedan Barai - Downward block (more accurately `low-level sweep')


  Johnny Ong

March 14, 2009 at 3:07 PM

oh u are in qatar? i have been to doha for biz trip few yrs back