I've been tagged !

Alright, I've been tagged by Martial Arts Mom to do one of those 10 things People'd be surprised to know about me.

So here goes :

  1. I moved upto Yellow 2 in Shotokan Karate in just 2 months. Yep, it took me exactly two months two get all the punches , blocks , kicks along with Haien Shodan and Nidan.
  2. Someday I want to live on a hill with a goat.
  3. I LOVE Math. Especially Algebra.
  4. I plan to Kinesiology at Uni.
  5. I'm addicted to an RPG called Suikoden.
  6. I hate Chocolate flavoured stuff. The very smell of Chocolate cake or Chocolate milk makes me feel like throwing up !
  7. I write poetry. (You can read some of it here)
  8. I've had a total 11 websites. I started making them when I was 8.
  9. I hate fish.
  10. I've had 14 cats at a time.

I found this rather hard to write for some reason :P

Siping City Martial Arts Academy

I recently stumbled across the website of The Siping City Martial Arts Academy , located in the Jilin province of Northern China and found it to be exactly what I've been looking for ! The Academy specializes in Chinese Martial Arts , namely Shaolin , Sanda and Baji.

The Training

The daily schedule is quite rigorous and is rather similar to the traditional training regime

5:30 a.m. Wake up
6:45 a.m. to 7.00 a.m. - warmup by Running, then Qi gong and Tai ji training.
7:00 a.m. - Breakfast
8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon - Morning training
12:00 noon - Lunch
2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. - Afternoon classes
4:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. - Qi gong and Tai ji training
6:00 p.m. - Dinner
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. - Qi gong classes (practice by self /internet bar opens)
by 9:30 p.m. - light's out

Students at the Academy seem to be quite satisfied with the available facilities and teaching , though some have found that the Mandarin Classes are, well quite frankly a waste of time.

Message from William Stein, American, 53 years of age who trainedwith his son, Brannan, age 17 - received 07-12-07

"I wanted to send you a note to let you know how our stay at the academy went. The academy was exactly as we thought it would be based on what we learn on your website. Being there with my son was truly a great experience. Giving us the time together that is worth all the gold in the world. We worked hard all day every day which is why we went there. The students and staff were wonderful to be around. In addition we spent evenings learning the proper technique for meditating from Darrein, who I wish I could spend a much longer time studying under. No prior martial art training would have been necessary but having 13 years of Tae Kwon Do between us we can say that the instruction was the best we have ever had or seen. Lin Sifu is truly a master and a very nice person as well.

I am a busy business person from the United States in my real life. After being there for a few days I realize why I was starting to like it so much. It gave me a chance to work on my body and mind without any interference from employees, statements, customers, phone calls etc. I would highly recommend it to anyone. The only problem that I had was that I did not stay long enough. I would highly recomend the academy to busy business professionals who want to get in touch with their true self and unwind with some physical work."

If you know anyone who's been to Siping, I'd hear what you think of it. And if you'd like to find some more about the Siping City Martial Arts Academy you can visit their website and Lukey's Blog , a Shaolin student who stayed at the Academy for a month.

Suicide is cowardly

More and more young people have been comitting suicide of late for the stupidist reasons, like breaking up with their boy or girl friend , loneliness and exam results. What most people fail to realise is how cowardly and selfish they are being by attempting suicide, instead of trying to sort out or face their problems , they decide to take the easy way out and end their lives. Don't they realise how much sorrow and pain they cause their families and friends ? A friend of mine once told me that she didn't want to live anymore , she had just moved to the country and missed her friends back home. I wanted to sympathise with her but I couldn't, I tried to comfort her , but I thought she was being a bit melodramatic. I know how hard things seem when you're alone and it feels like the world has turned its back on you , but I also know that most often its you who has turned your back on the world , and thats exactly what I told her 'Buck up !'.

This post was inspired from a very horrible incident that occured on the 12th, I'd like to offer my condolences to the family

City Center death may be ‘suicide’
A 17 year-old Tunisian youth who died after falling from the third floor of the City Center on Thursday evening may have committed suicide due to frustration over bad grades, reports published in a local Arabic daily said.Quoting reliable sources Arrayah said that the boy, identified as Saleem Yahaby, was a student at the French school. He was very upset over his recent exam results. The boy, who had been shying away from his parents, had gone with some of his friends to the City Center on Thursday. He called his brother on the mobile phone minutes before he fell to his death, the daily said. The brother panicked and rushed to the spot but it was too late.Police have cross examined all those close to the student, including his classmates, and have also reviewed the incident recorded in the security camera at the City Centre. The boy’s father Yunus Yahaaby is an academic and a broadcaster for the French language service of the Qatar radio while his mother teaches French at the Tunisian school.

Source : Gulf Times


Karate Terminology

I'll be updating this page as I learn more during my classes

Age Uke - Upper Rising Block. Used generally to guard against an attack to the face

Chudan Tsuki - mid-level (typically aimed at the solar plexus)

Hajime - Begin

Jodan Tsuki - Face (Nose) level puch

Kamaete - A command given by the instructor for students to get into position.

Mae Geri - Front Kick

Mawatte -Turn around. Normally used to mean `face the opposite direction'

Yame - Stop

Sanbon Tsuki A series of three punches, generally the first is Jodan Tsuki, followed by a slight pause then,
Chudan Gyaku Tsuki , immediately followed by Chudan Tsuki, but it can be performed with three punches to the same target

Shuto Uke Knife-hand Block

Gedan Barai - Downward block (more accurately `low-level sweep')

Karate Exam !

Just came back from my fourth Karate class and our Sensei just told me I'm going to be sitting the exam to move up to Yellow on the 27th of March ! I'm delighted ! Its a rule that they don't move you up unless you've attended 3 months and to get to sit the exam after just four classes is quite an honour !

The Sensei told us about the essence of Karate today it was quite fascinating ... I found it on the net as well, its

1. In Karate, start with a bow and finish with a bow.
2. There is no first attack in Karate.
3. Karate is a great assistance to justice.
4. Know yourself first and then others.
5.Spirit first: techniques second.
6. Be ready to release your mind.
7. Accidents come out of idleness.
8. Do not think that you can learn Karate only in the Dojo.
9. It will take your entire life to learn Karate.
10. Karate-is everything.
11. Karate is just like hot water. If you do not give heat constantly, it will again become cold water.
12. Do not think you have to win. Think, rather, that you do not have to lose.
13. Victory depends on your ability to tell vulnerable points from invulnerable ones.
14. Move according to your opponent.
15. Consider your opponent's hands and legs as you would sharp swords.
16. As soon as you leave home for work, think that millions of opponents are waiting for you.
17. Low stance for beginners; natural stance for advanced students.
18. Practicing a Kata is one thing and engaging in a real fight is another.
19. Do not forget (a) light and heavy application of power, (b) expansion and contraction of the body, (c) slowness and speed of techniques.
20. Devise at all times.


First Karate lesson !

Today was amazing ! The day started off with a present from my parents . A book . Titled "A Handbook to Kung Fu". I was overjoyed ! It really is very imformative ! I'll see if I can start putting up scans .

Alright , now that , thats outta the way, I can tell you about my the first Karate lesson I've had since I was 7 ! After trying out TKD and Kick boxing I've decided to return to the first martial art I started learning. Karate. Today was my very first lesson in Shotokan Karate at ICC (Indian Cultural Centre), its really very good the Sensei is pretty strict and the warm up quite rigorous. The only thing that put me off a bit was that a major part class were 7 year olds , there were a few older students too , so I suppose it'll be ok.

Well, thats it for now , I gotta go, I have a Mental Math Quiz tomorrow ! Wish me luck !



Hey! Evira Quicksilver here. I'm a 14 year old Leo who is obsessed with Martial Arts. I'm also into anime and manga especially Naruto and Bleach. My other likes include Archery, Sword fighting (I have my own Katana! I named it Saolong meaning 'Vengeful Dragon'), I basically like anything done outdoors. I also love to read especially books based in fictional lands.

I HATE PINK AND OTHER FLUFFY GIRLY THINGS. I'm impatient, headstrong , determined and have a bit of a short temper. I'm rather reserved and usually aloof but when I'm fired up theres no stopping me. Although I do well at school ,I'm usually bored. I have an IQ of 189 :) .

Check out my deviant art - http://www.fireshinobi.deviantart.com/

Martial Art Videos

Some of the videos I've found on Youtube :

The quality isn't that good but its one of my favourites.